Heath and Wellness Promotion

Health and Wellness education and promotion is essential to help employees achieve healthy lifestyles and prevent illness and injury. Working with both management and employees, OHNs can develop and implement workplace health and wellness programs that reflect employees’ needs and support overall corporate goals.

OHNs Role

  • Reduce absenteeism through programs that enhanced employee health and well-being
  • Assess health risks from a corporate and employee perspective
  • Implement appropriate wellness programs based on employee demographics and assessments
  • Promote healthy lifestyles (for example smoking cessation, flu immunization, fitness, healthy diet)
  • Coordinate Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • Provide health and wellness education and programs


Benefits to Employers

  • Experience short and long term savings (for example a decrease in drug benefit costs)
  • Enhance employee well-being and encourage optimal health and safety
  • Maintain productive employment by addressing the impact of chronic illness and aging among employees
  • Enhance corporate profile to make you the employer of choice